CCPA Request to Opt-Out form

If you are a California or Nevada resident you may use this page to make a request to opt out of the sale of all of your personal information on the part of Orbitly. After making a request using this page, Orbitly will ensure your information is not available for sale on the site within fifteen (15) days. If Orbitly has a good-faith, reasonable belief that the request may be fraudulent, we may seek information to verify your identity. If you want more information about your privacy rights, see our  CA and NV Residents Privacy Policy.

Please select which state you currently reside in

Choosing a state ensures that you end up on the correct form for your state, if applicable. was built to allow people to stay safe online by empowering you with data.

I currently live in
Privacy is important to us. No matter which state you reside in, we will work with you to remove your personal information. You may also feel free to call us with any questions at 844-422-8347
Not a Resident? Click Here.
Please fill out Request for Access form ( Residents )

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Resident? Click Here.
Opt-Out Requests

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